Live Your Truth Book Review

Title: Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions that Make us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-obsessed
Author: @Alisachilders
Length: 217 pages
We've all heard the sayings that are popular these days. You are enough, live your truth, you only live once, and put yourself first are just a few of the popular ones. 
These can sound really encouraging and motivating at first glance. I mean, who wants to tell someone they aren't enough? That doesn't seem very nice! But the reality is that none of these motivational mantras are biblical. And it's actually good news that you aren't enough because God is more than enough! When you really dig in and compare them to Scripture, you can see these phrases are empty and hopeless.
That is exactly what Childers does in this book. She takes these modern day mantras and compares them to the truth of the Word of God. She explains how hollow they are in comparison to the truth. It is such a helpful book to encourage us to think biblically about these topics and to equip us as we point others toward truth as well. 
Childers writes in such an engaging way making this book a fast read. I recommend it to anyone interested in becoming better informed on this topic.
If you'd like to read Live Your Truth, you can grab a copy using my affiliate link here. 

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