Full Book Review

Title: Full: Food, Jesus, and the Battle for Satisfaction
Author: Asheritah Ciuciu
Length: 255 pages

This is a vulnerable review for me to write. I'd love to pretend that seeking satisfaction and comfort by overindulging in food isn't a struggle of mine.

The truth is I've always struggled with emotional eating and going to food for comfort. As we have walked through many hard years with our son's health, this struggle of mine has been more and more obvious to me as my habits have gone up and down with his health. I wanted to stop the cycle, but I'll be honest, I was really skeptical that any book would be able to help me.

One thing I've never really considered was how this struggle of mine is a spiritual issue. Enter: this book.

"Satan will use whatever tool he can to distract people from seeking satisfaction in God, and if money, sex, or power don't hold any sway over you, then french fries or skinny chocolate lattes just might. He doesn't care what our favorite drug is as long as it keeps us running away from God."

Full is all about finding satisfaction in God alone rather than looking for it anywhere else. As Asheritah says, "until we deal with the heart issue of seeking fullness in food instead of God, our eating habits will never change." This book takes the heart issue head on.

But this is not really a book about weight loss. "The goal of overcoming food fixation is not to lose weight - it is to bring glory to God through our transformation into the image of the Son as we find complete joy and satisfaction in God." When we are most satisfied in God it will change the way we live!

What I loved most about Full is that Asheritah keeps it so rooted in scripture and prayer. She gives so many verses for the reader to read/meditate on/and memorize to help them fight this battle. She also offers ideas of what and how to pray to ask God for help with finding satisfaction in him.

This book has radically shifted how I view my relationship with food. I'm so thankful that this book doesn't shy away from the deeper issues at play on this topic and provides a solid foundation for a biblical worldview when it comes to food!

If you think this book would be helpful, you can purchase it as my affiliate link here.

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